Formation Flying - Basic Course

At the conclusion of the Formation Basic Course graduates will be eligible for a CASR Part 61 Formation Flight Activity Endorsement. This course involves a minimum of 16 flights (19.2 hours) + briefings + one tutorial. The course focuses on developing the formation fundamentals required of both a lead pilot and wingman in a two-ship formation.

During this course you will work on:

  • Station maintenance
  • Station changing
  • Re-join procedures
  • Manoeuvring in formation
  • Formation circuits, take-offs & landings.

Your instructors will also develop your briefing skills, confidence and overall flying accuracy.

Minimum course entry requirement: RPL or higher.

For pricing & to learn more about the formation flying syllabus

What's formation flying all about?

Formation Flying consists of a number of aircraft flying in close proximity to one another and these movements are controlled by an appointed leader. The art of formation flying is that of being able to fly your aircraft, in a constant position relative to the lead aircraft.

In military operations, formation flying, enables a concentration of offensive weapons upon a target, and also enables mutual defence against attack. At airshows formation aerobatic teams are, perhaps the greatest crowd pleasers, but for the average, private pilot, formation flying improves, flying accuracy, and control. Plus developing techniques to an extent, which is not possible when flying by solo. Not to mention, it’s just plain good fun!

  • Learn new leadership skills.
  • Improve your stick & rudder skills.
  • Develop the foundations of basic 2-ship form flying.

Register your interest for formation training,

Come fly with Australia's Best!

Your success as a pilot comes down to the standard of your training. The Aerobatic School offers premium training and instruction at the highest standard. Come and learn from Australia’s best.

Get in touch to explore your options today! Call us on 02 9791 0643.

Or leave us a message via our contact form.

From Beginner to Advanced & Everything In-between

Already have a Recreational Pilots Licence or other Pilots Licence? Do you want to improve your skill and confidence and have lots of fun whilst doing so? Or perhaps you would like to take up competition aerobatic flying? Then come and see the aerobatic experts at The Aerobatic School about achieving your aerobatics rating.No previous aerobatic experience is required.


Build your flying confidence and improve your safety with the Upset Recovery and EMT experts! We’ve been doing it for thirty years and we are still one of a few organisations in the world who specialise in this training. You will also better understand the stall and spin and be able to recover from these quickly with minimum height loss in ANY situation. Find out more today.

Upset Recovery

Learn the art of formation flying and hone your skills with the formation experts who teach what they do! Our pilots are often seen over Sydney performing aerobatic formation displays or flying in formation at major events. We have even been featured on television and in the media. When it comes to flying in formation and can teach you how to formation fly like a real military pilot.

Formation Flying

Tailwheel undercarriage or conventional undercarriage is a design feature which allows pilots to fly more advanced and manoeuvrable aircraft such as the Super Decathlon, Pitts Special and the Extra. This design feature requires pilots to be more attentive to handling the aircraft during take off and landing as well as taxiing. It is an excellent way to further increase your skills and confidence.

Tail Wheel Endorsement